Mar 1, 2010

dowry exchange in kb

i hav promised some 过大礼/ wedding reception/ travel pics since last year, now it's into the third month of a new year, too long overdue i know. in fact, im trying very hard to upload the pics and post it up if possible, but i hav got a lot of things to do. slowly i begin to hate this job, im so sick of writing review papers, it just comes one after another... well, i shouldnt grumble too much...

bearbear and family before off to my house.

praying to ti-gong, everybody huat arr!!!

make-up artist in the house.

sis phin.

L-R: mama, yi-yi, sis phin, myself and sis lee.

say hi to d guy holding camera aka our photographer, mr. kc the pilot. then the man in red is my uncle who has been so busy helping around, preparing for my event. thumbs up to him and kc. nah, here is a huge thank-you!!

one of kc's art piece.


more and more.

the bride and groom.

wiv siblings.

dowry from them!!

all smiles.

gift fr sis and kc. most expensive ever.

gift opening session.

makan session.

this uncle got the nerve to discuss abt ptk.

info sharing. but hello, im at level ptk1 only lor..

gossip time.

tell me what the charcoal is for.

mama and in-law.

everyone was so busy...

sis phin and bro khing.

going back. tata...